Piercing Aftercare

General information:
Immediately after piercing you will likely experience some bleeding, localized swelling, tenderness or bruising. Treat your piercing like any other open wound or exposed injury. DO NOT touch it or put anything on it (makeup, sunscreen, etc.). DO NOT expose it to potentially bacterial environments (pools, lakes, etc.). You should clean it 1-2 times a day. Keep anything your piercing may come in contact with clean (eyeglasses, earbuds, etc.). You should change your sheets/pillowcases and clothing daily to avoid infection.
Before cleaning, or anytime you may NEED to touch it, wash your hands thoroughly. It is best to clean your piercing twice a day (morning and night) with a very plain soap (we recommend cetaphil) and warm water; pat dry with single use paper towels. After cleaning, while your hands are freshly washed, check the ends of the jewelry (where the jewel or ball attaches) for tightness (“righty-tighty, lefty-loosey”). Your body may form some build up around the piercing, this is normal; again, do not touch it. It is a great idea to wash your piercing at the end of a warm shower so that any build up can come off easily on its own. Other than during cleaning you should not be touching or adjusting your piercing. Rotating or adjusting the jewelry will actually cause the piercing to take longer to heal. Once it has healed completely you can adjust as needed.
Depending on the placement/type of piercing and your body your piercing can take anywhere from 4 weeks to 6 months to heal. Sometimes your piercing may seem more healed than it actually is as it heals from the outside in; be patient and gentle. If you experience redness, swelling, or tenderness at the piercing site, red streaks going from the procedure area toward the heart, elevated body temperature, or purulent (foul-smelling) discharge from the procedure site you should seek medical help. If you are unsure please contact us as soon as possible so we can recommend you to go to a doctor if needed.
Overall, keeping your piercing clean and letting your body heal naturally is the best way to have a quick and easy healing process and end up with a great piercing. If you need any assistance removing or replacing jewelry, have questions about healing, or need anything else either before or after it is healed, please contact us so we can help you!

Oral or Genital piercings:
In addition to the above information, genital and oral piercings need a little extra care. For oral piercings, you should be using a non alcohol based mouthrinse (we recommend Biotene brand) after everytime you eat or drink anything that isn’t plain water. We also recommend getting two new toothbrushes, one for immediately after the piercing and one for two weeks after (once major healing has completed). Avoid smoking. Genital piercings tend to bleed for a few days post piercing so you may need to wear more snug fitting undergarments and use a menstrual pad or small weave gauze in your underwear to both keep the area clean and to avoid staining. As for sexual contact for both piercings, it is recommended to abstain for 6 weeks (if healing has gone smoothly). Once you feel comfortable engaging in sexual contact, use protection (condoms, dental dams etc.), clean before and after contact, and be gentle!